Friday, September 10, 2010

August Meeting Followup

Janie showed us how to coat a leaf (geranium leaf shown) with PMC3 paste. Many layers are applied, dried thoroughly between each layer. When fired, the leaf burns away leaving a perfect silver leaf.

Be sure to apply the clay to the back side of the leaf only.

Carol and Lynette showed a few variations on using wire to make a ring.

Some show and tell items - not all are PMC, obviously!!

September 21, 2010 Meeting

Next meeting is Tuesday, September 21. Jennifer and Jules will give us a report on the many demos and new techniques they learned at the PMC Conference last summer. Check the website for map links and directions.

Show and Tell: Bring your recent creations to share with us!

Jules will demo using Water Resist  - to create textures on PMC. I'm not sure what that means, but sounds very interesting. This will be a "watch and learn" only demo due to the drying time needed between steps.

We will be taking orders for the Silver Paper Clay for our charm-making workshop in November and planning for the October Swap and Shop!

Silver Paper Clay: At the August meeting we decided to change our November charms from BRONZE clay to Paper clay mostly because we do not have enough members who are willing to fire bronze or copper pieces for everyone. The firing process is complex and dirty (for the kiln) so most are reluctant to do it.
Note: There may be a breakthrough coming - but for now we don't have many options.

Swap and Shop: Here's a chance to unload some of those extra items you may have in your studio (duplicate books, extra findings or materials or beads or???, tools, or things you no longer use). Cheryl is setting up a color-coded value system so have an idea what your things are worth - for trading purposes. This is NOT a "dump your junk" event but a chance to swap usable things. Remember, we have a lot of new members who may need basic items.  You may also want to bring finished jewelry or things you sell, but mostly this will be a barter night.