Tuesday, December 28, 2010

KC PMC Guild 2010 Charm Exchange

This was our third annual charm exchange, where members spend the November meeting making charms to exchange with one another in December. We have done both silver and copper clay, this year returning to use PMC3 silver clay. Although more signed up, at our December meeting we had 12 people with finished charms.

This is the collection of charms I received - not everyone made their charms identical, so some of us likely have a different collection. It's always interesting to see how people decide to use their variety of charms, so in the coming months we will share finished jewelry photos.

Artists' names included when known. We'll try to identify and add names.

The tab-style charm with musical not design was by Cheryl Coleman. 
Some of her charms were stamped with a sun-face motif.
Jules Van Hoecke (sweet heart imprint with darkened detail)

Lynette Fisk  (used 2-part silicone molding putty to create a mold from an old spoon handle, then added LOS patina.)

Darkly patina-ed flower from

This one looks a bit like an ancient coin.

(square charm with added chrystal)

Great patina on this 4-pointed star by Linda Maloney. She used stamps on both sides, cut the charm freehand and heavily oxydized it.

Dainty textured star

Leafy cutout from a textured round charm by Liz Willis. Liz enameled most of her charms but this is one of several on which she experimented using different hole punches.
Floral imprint, perhaps from an old button?

Jen Finley  (Man in the moon charm with crystals)
Carol Harder (leaf charm to which she added a variety of colored glass beads)

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