Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Annual Charm Exchange

At the August meeting we discussed our2011 “charm exchange” and made some decisions:
a.       Use PMC3 Silver Clay
b.      Sign-up to participate (at the September meeting or by email to Lynette) so we know how many charms we each will need to make.
c.       We will order 16gr pkgs for each person
d.      Purchase of clay for members (who have paid their 2011 dues) will be subsidized by the guild so that we can all have enough clay to make nice charms.
e.      Cost to each member will be about $10-12.

We hope to have everyone signed up by October 1 so we have plenty of time to order clay. If you sign up, you have made a commitment to make enough charms for each participating member. We will also need kiln owners willing to commit to firing everyone's charms.

We may use BOTH the October and November meetings for charm -making. This will give us time to collect our charms back and finish them before our December exchange party.

September KCPMC Guild meeting - ZENTANGLE

Our September meeting will be led by Susan Silvy, who will get us started with Zentangle. She will have small "kits" with paper tiles, pen, pencil, etc. (Kits are $5 each for non-members.) Here's was Susan says about the evening:

To see some of my work in Zentangle go to my facebook business page (fan page), Zentangle Kansas City with Susan Silvy.  Please "like" me, I'm in desperate need of "likes"!  I will be posting information about classes there soon.
At the meeting we will be doing some simple tangles to understand the basic concepts of Zentangling.  You will get a kit with a pencil, pen and some paper tiles.  I will be bringing some extra supplies if anyone is interested in purchasing additional materials after the class.

Zentangling is fun, addictive and you can take your supplies with you and do it anywhere.  Long plane flights just "fly" by.  I originally became interested in Zentangle to increase my design capabilities in creating proprietary texture for metal clay by using them for tear-away's, photopolymer plates and carved polymer clay texture plates.  I've actually used my Zentangles to create the overall jewelry design.  It's an interesting technique which really opens up the right side of your brain!

Please remember to RSVP (to the meeting EVITE) because I have to be able to order and then receive the kits a couple of days before the meeting so I can put them together. I look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting!!!!!

Susan Breen Silvy, CZT
Metal Clay Master's Registry I

If you are not a KCPMC Guild member but are interested in attending the meeting please contact Lynette Fisk to RSVP.

Susan will also be teaching a 2-hour Zentangle class on Saturday, September 24 from 1-3pm at her North Kansas City classroom located at 5800 NW Prairie View Rd, Kansas City.

Friday, August 12, 2011

August KCPMC Guild Meeting - Keumboo!

Gesundheit! Oops....no wait. Keumboo is a metalworking technique, not a body explosion.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011 - Keumboo How To is the topic of Kansas City's PMC Guild meeting. Member Jen Finley will demo and teach you how to apply precious bits of real gold leaf to fired PMC.

You may watch the demo or actively participate with your own work. To play along, you will need to bring
  • A fired, but unhandled, untumbled, unburnished, unpatina-ed, unmessed with piece of silver metal clay. A fairly flat piece will be the easiest to work on for a first piece. Pieces with low relief will turn out the nicest. (Copper and bronze won't work.)
  • A tiny pair of scissors like embroidery scissors (optional if you want to cut out a specific shape).
  • Tiny decorative paper punches.  I will bring some that everybody can use.
  • An agate burnisher if you have one. I will bring extras.
  • That's it unless we want to have people who are afraid to torch fire bring a small already dried piece that we can torch at the meeting.  The keum boo process is fast and easy, so people can bring as many pieces as they want to do.  I'll bring a hot plate, burnishers, punches, and gloves.
  • Money (Jen has a $75 piece of gold leaf (about 3" square) which she's willing to share - cost will depend on how many people will divide the piece)
Info about the KC PMC Guild and directions to our meetings is on our website at http://www.kcpmcguild.org. 

To view some sample from member artist Gale Schlagel click here to go to her website.

 The Metal Clay Today website here has an intevriew with Gale and several more photos of her pieces using keumboo. As you can see from these sample pictures found with a Google search for keumboo, the gold application can be random or very specific.

There is a great online demo from Jewelry Artist Magazine that shows keumboo used with making hollow lentil beads...