Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Annual Charm Exchange

At the August meeting we discussed our2011 “charm exchange” and made some decisions:
a.       Use PMC3 Silver Clay
b.      Sign-up to participate (at the September meeting or by email to Lynette) so we know how many charms we each will need to make.
c.       We will order 16gr pkgs for each person
d.      Purchase of clay for members (who have paid their 2011 dues) will be subsidized by the guild so that we can all have enough clay to make nice charms.
e.      Cost to each member will be about $10-12.

We hope to have everyone signed up by October 1 so we have plenty of time to order clay. If you sign up, you have made a commitment to make enough charms for each participating member. We will also need kiln owners willing to commit to firing everyone's charms.

We may use BOTH the October and November meetings for charm -making. This will give us time to collect our charms back and finish them before our December exchange party.

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