Thursday, May 24, 2012

Take this Class in June....

KC PMC Guild member, Susan Breen Silvy, is sponsoring a class by Debbie Rijns from South Africa. This class will be amazing. Check out some of the photos of Debbie's work here.

Making Connections with the World of Nature

You will see nature through different eyes after taking a class from Debbie
Rijns who hails from Cullinan, South Africa, where they find the really BIG
diamonds! Her PMC work is rich with the influence of nature bringing simple,
natural materials to a place of exquisite prominence. Her ethnic jewelry
celebrates the wonder of nature and the beauty of its pattern, texture and form.
Check out her Flicker photostream at
Debbie excels at making PMC components and attachments to capture natural
materials that she discovers along her walks. Each piece of her work has a
wonderful story which you will love hearing in her soft, gentle voice. Her
explanation of the natural materials she uses such as Mopani worm cocoons, sea
bamboo, porcupine quills, bird bones and ostrich eggs come with where she found
them, how she gathered them, their use in the South African culture and what
visual inspiration she had to create such a piece. It will open your eyes to
the design opportunities around you!

"I have always had an adventurous spirit and love what nature has to offer. It
excites me when I find that odd, quirky thing that someone else would just
overlook, and turn it into a piece of jewelry. I guess I have a gift, being
able to see things in a lateral way. My father always said to me that just
because a tin can is a tin can, it doesn't have to be just a tin can. I guess
that is one of the best lessons I ever learned, and that's why I see what I
see." – Debbie Rijns

In this two day-class, two projects will be worked on using natural materials
that Debbie will supply from South Africa; a Mopani worm cocoon pendant and a
Porcupine Quill spoon and ostrich egg spoon rest. The spoon and spoon rest are
similar to the design that Debbie was commissioned by the South African
government to create as gifts for visiting dignitaries. In this class you will
be become aware of the design issues that need to be addressed when combining
metal clay and natural materials, learn connection techniques and how to view
nature as an unending source of inspiration.

If you would like to come to this fabulous class:

1. Please paypal your deposit to Susan at

2. Also email me at that you would like to participate so I get a head count.
Susan will not be responding to her emails for a while and I will be helping her out.

Class Details:  Making Connections with the World of Nature

Instructor: Debbie Rijns, PMC South Africa

Date: Saturday June 16 & Sunday June 17

Where: The Office Studio, 5800 NW Prairie View Road, Kansas City, MO 64152

Cost: Class is $235 plus $35 for the kit (does not include PMC)

To register: please paypal your deposit to Susan at

Contact: Jennifer Finley at

Class Details: what to bring, etc.

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