Monday, July 30, 2012

Wanaree Tanner Class

KCPMC Guild members who signed the advance signup list at the July meeting have first crack at enrolling in a limited (12 seats) class August 25 & 26.

FREE-FORM BEZEL SETTINGS IN COPPER:  COPPRclay Bezel Settings & Making Unique Bezel Wire with the Cameo Silhouette®
August 25 & 26, 2012
The Office Studio: 1500 NW Prairie View Road, Kansas City, MO 64152
Cost:  $320
Intermediate level
12 seats

Monday, July 23, 2012

July Meeting Followup

KCPMC Guild members - meeting update from July. 

Wanaree Tanner will be in Kansas City this fall, teaching her techniques. Susan Silvy will  have a signup sheet at the August meeting. Watch for more info on this class with a fabulous metal clay designer.

CongratulationS to Susan Breen Silvy for winning 2nd Place for Metal Clay in the 2012 Saul Bell Design Awards! Sadly Susan had to miss the awards banquet due to her recent hospitalization, but we're glad she's back now.

Also congrats to Robin Young who was the 2011 Grand Prize Gold Medal winner with her "Family Stringer" necklace of polymer clay fish. 

Schedule swap: The August meeting will be ETCHING Copper, led by Pat Kuehn and team. (More info will be coming later. This may help you with your Name Tag Design Challenge which is due in September.) The September meeting will be looking at Hadar Jacobson's powdered metal clays. (If you have any experience using her clays, we'd love your help with this meeting. Contact Lynette.

Thanks to Michele, Pat, Cecilia and Janice who teamed up and had everyone busily braiding away on our kumihimo looms last week! We saw a wide variety of braiding materials, lots of samples (with and without beads) and got lots of tips from them.  Check Pinterest for lots of great pics 

Note: We had 3 small (4” diameter) foam looms leftover. They are available for $3.50 each if you want one. After trying this, I can see that the plastic bobbins or spools are really important if you are adding beads to your braids. Here are some of the suppliers I found online if you want to order some:

FireMountain Gems in Oregon (they have the best bulk rates if you are ordering 15 or more of something)
They sell bobbins: pkg of 4 2.5” for $4.95

WeirCrafts in Michigan
8 EZ Bobs for $3 or pkg of 100 for $34.95

LythaStudios in Virginia
bobbins: pkg of 8 2.5” for $4.35

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Kumihimo Braiding Class

Kumihimo braiding - the demo for our July 18, 2012 meeting.

A team of experts from our membership will teach us how to do this versatile Japenese braiding technique. (Team members are Michele Wineland, Cecilia Rosales, Pat Kuehn and Janice LeMasters.)

Tools: Kumihimo braiding disk (if you have one, bring it!) KCPMC Guild will provide one for each member. Non-members may purchase one at the meeting. ($5 for 6" disk, $4 for 4" disk)
  • 12 yards (or more) of your chosen string, ribbon, floss, rattail, cord or other non-stretching fiber
  • Beads (optional) - and they need to be pre-strung on your thread. If you are new to this technique, like me, you might want to learn the braiding without beads first.
  • 8 spools to hold thread (cardboard or plastic floss bobbins, foam hair curlers, old spools, etc)
    • we'll have cardboard floss bobbins on hand for everyone
  • weight (metal washers,  large beads, small baggie with a couple coins inside, or ?)


Make a Name Tag to wear at our PMC guild meetings - to help us learn each others' names and to assist our many new members.

Name Tag Challenge Rules:
  1. Name tag must contain your first name - easily readable
  2. Name tag must be wearable - a pin, a pendant, tiara, etc. - so it is easy to spot
  3. Materials can be anything - metal (we have copper sheet pieces available at no charge for members at our meetings), faux bone, PMC, wire, beads, paper, fabric - you choose 
  4. Size: no bigger than an ATC (2.5 x 3.5) or it will be too big to wear!
  5. You may stamp, bead, etch, weave, draw and embellish any way you want, as long as we can see your name!
 Our Name Tag Challenge is DUE at the September 2012 meeting (September 18, 2012). Note: we originally said due in August, but I'm already running out of time and you likely are too, so by executive decision, we're moving it to September.)

Questions? Contact Lynette Fisk at bylynette @ or come to our next meeting, Tuesday, July 18, at 7pm at Harder Driving School, 10362 Mastin in the Wycliff Shopping Center, Overland Park, KS 66214 (From I435 take US69 N and exit at 103rd. Go East to Mastin, then South into the shopping center. Lots of free parking available.)
-- Harder Performance Art School, 10362 Mastin. Overland Park, KS 66214  (located in the Wycliff Shopping Center, near National American University and Skate City.)

Check out our website for the complete 2012 meeting schedule.

Gale Schlagel offers PMC Classes

These are the current classes available from Gale, in addition to the classes listed at (Gale is a certified PMC Connection Instructor.)

In addition there are classes on Gale's website listed that can be scheduled privately, including "Hollow Form Construction".  Just email Gale for info at galeschlagel @ (You will need to remove the spaces in address.)

Level 1 Certification
Thursday and Friday, July 12, 13, 201
Saturday and Sunday, July 21, 22, 2012
Saturday and Sunday, August 18,19, 2012,
Saturday and Sunday, September 8, 9, 2012,
Thursday and Friday, October 11, 12, 2012
Saturday and Sunday, November 10, 112012
Saturday and Sunday, December  1, 2nd, 2012
 — 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Stone Setting
Tuesday, August 72012,
Sunday, August 26, 2012,
Saturday, September 15, 2012,
Sunday, October 7, 2012,
Saturday, November 3, 2012,
Saturday, December  1, 2012    — 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Intro Day with PMC
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 21012
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
 — 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.