Monday, July 23, 2012

July Meeting Followup

KCPMC Guild members - meeting update from July. 

Wanaree Tanner will be in Kansas City this fall, teaching her techniques. Susan Silvy will  have a signup sheet at the August meeting. Watch for more info on this class with a fabulous metal clay designer.

CongratulationS to Susan Breen Silvy for winning 2nd Place for Metal Clay in the 2012 Saul Bell Design Awards! Sadly Susan had to miss the awards banquet due to her recent hospitalization, but we're glad she's back now.

Also congrats to Robin Young who was the 2011 Grand Prize Gold Medal winner with her "Family Stringer" necklace of polymer clay fish. 

Schedule swap: The August meeting will be ETCHING Copper, led by Pat Kuehn and team. (More info will be coming later. This may help you with your Name Tag Design Challenge which is due in September.) The September meeting will be looking at Hadar Jacobson's powdered metal clays. (If you have any experience using her clays, we'd love your help with this meeting. Contact Lynette.

Thanks to Michele, Pat, Cecilia and Janice who teamed up and had everyone busily braiding away on our kumihimo looms last week! We saw a wide variety of braiding materials, lots of samples (with and without beads) and got lots of tips from them.  Check Pinterest for lots of great pics 

Note: We had 3 small (4” diameter) foam looms leftover. They are available for $3.50 each if you want one. After trying this, I can see that the plastic bobbins or spools are really important if you are adding beads to your braids. Here are some of the suppliers I found online if you want to order some:

FireMountain Gems in Oregon (they have the best bulk rates if you are ordering 15 or more of something)
They sell bobbins: pkg of 4 2.5” for $4.95

WeirCrafts in Michigan
8 EZ Bobs for $3 or pkg of 100 for $34.95

LythaStudios in Virginia
bobbins: pkg of 8 2.5” for $4.35

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