Thursday, July 12, 2012


Make a Name Tag to wear at our PMC guild meetings - to help us learn each others' names and to assist our many new members.

Name Tag Challenge Rules:
  1. Name tag must contain your first name - easily readable
  2. Name tag must be wearable - a pin, a pendant, tiara, etc. - so it is easy to spot
  3. Materials can be anything - metal (we have copper sheet pieces available at no charge for members at our meetings), faux bone, PMC, wire, beads, paper, fabric - you choose 
  4. Size: no bigger than an ATC (2.5 x 3.5) or it will be too big to wear!
  5. You may stamp, bead, etch, weave, draw and embellish any way you want, as long as we can see your name!
 Our Name Tag Challenge is DUE at the September 2012 meeting (September 18, 2012). Note: we originally said due in August, but I'm already running out of time and you likely are too, so by executive decision, we're moving it to September.)

Questions? Contact Lynette Fisk at bylynette @ or come to our next meeting, Tuesday, July 18, at 7pm at Harder Driving School, 10362 Mastin in the Wycliff Shopping Center, Overland Park, KS 66214 (From I435 take US69 N and exit at 103rd. Go East to Mastin, then South into the shopping center. Lots of free parking available.)
-- Harder Performance Art School, 10362 Mastin. Overland Park, KS 66214  (located in the Wycliff Shopping Center, near National American University and Skate City.)

Check out our website for the complete 2012 meeting schedule.

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